Sunday, May 6, 2012

2012 Cincinnati Flying Pig 1/2Mary

2012 Cincinnati Flying Pig 1/2Mary by amzpnc at Garmin Connect - Details

Wow!  Okay, first off - did not compete the way I wanted to today - so I am already planning to run this race and its route again :)  However, that said, I did complete the course without actually stopping and I'm okay with that.  Yeah... I got to mile 10 and the hammies were screaming too much, I listened to the body at that point and agreed, it was time to build in some speed-walking stints into the remaining few miles.

Pig-headed, I didn't want too, but then I started thinking about what I've overcome since 25Feb12 with the piriformis syndrome (still diligently doing at least two if not three rounds of PT/TP everyday!).  That, plus the race in less than 28 days from now in San Diego!  I knew (somehow, not sure why, but just 'knew') that if I didn't conserve the hammies today, there would be a good solid chance that I wouldn't make June's race.

I forgot to blog about the 21Apr12 race the 'Tar Heel 10 miler' - there was this one killer hill in there that opened my eyes to how badly I need to work on my hill strategy... and today's race reaffirmed that!  Mile mark 6.5 through 10 was all uphill - the Garmin says I climbed over 1,000+ feet in elevation during the race - I suspect the majority was in those few short miles!  So yes, time to do more research and strategize my hill running etiquette - b/c I really don't enjoy being passed by so many people on every freakin' hill!

#shebeast has attitude, I will be the first to admit.

A few things I learned today:

1. stop wearing the contacts, it's pointless.  Sweat and crap gets behind them and you're essentially blind by mile 4 through the rest of the race - you can still read the motivational posters just fine without those floating pieces of rigid plastic stuck to your corneas.

2. Slow down! Stop busting out the starting gate like an enraged bull!  I love the cool mornings and the excitement of the crowd and the feel of the festival music jarring my rib cage - but by mile 5 I realized I had to go into conservation mode - way too soon for what was to come...

3. Hills hills hills... hills. Your cadence can change, but if those hammies are too tight and you lean too far forward - it's only gonna take longer and feel more hellacious.  Not sure what, but it's gotta change and that new tactical op begins tonight/tomorrow!

4. Delts - I've known this for some time - but I had a killer delt workout the day before this race and it was awesome!  The rib cage stayed wide open today and my O2 intake felt great!

Sigh... I loved the anticipation of this event, the friends I made along the way, the things I learned about myself during the race, and the awesome feeling of rejuvenation I gained from this destination race (i.e. vacation).  I'm still here in Cincinnati, OH, but my mind is already plotting out my next workout when I get back to Burlington, NC!

Until the next injury (please! no!), next race, next epiphany, next phase of this fitness journey of mine - I hope someone finds inspiration and motivation in my learnings - I can think of one cool New York chica that I hope to meet F2F someday ;) Until then, shine on, beam on, and just keep on running friends!


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